Reduce government spending
Reduce the number of government regulations
Require Tenth Amendment basis for all laws passed by Congress
Begin repeal of past laws having no Tenth Amendment basis
Allow a new President to replace 10% of non military Civil Service workers
Require government departments to expire after a fixed time unless renewed
Institute term limits on congressmen
Eliminate lobbying by former government officials
Eliminate campaign finance laws
Require contributions to candidates to be disclosed weekly
Require voter identification to vote
Require citizen and government worker to be under same laws
Eliminate the seizure of private property for economic development
Require union member consent for expenditures of dues
Eliminate affirmative action as one part of government reform
Allow private Social Security investment accounts
Require prisoners to work to learn new skills and discipline and to reduce cost
Encourage the death penalty in all the states
Enact term limits on judges
Require judges to interpret law rather than make law
Impeach judges who go outside their constitutional mandate